This page contains original monoprints on paper.
Most are framed in a white or natural wood frame with off-white mat.
All and are created on a commercially made Gel Plate or on a homemade gelatine plate. Various mark-making tools are used to create the design, some designs are enhanced with oil pastels.
All artworks are for sale.
Please use the contact page for further information. All prices are exclusive of P&H

Afloat In The Pond
630H x 530 White frame

Standing Tall
530H x 450W White frame

Party Time
530H x 450 White frame

Rounding the Mark
530H x 450W White frame

Fading Glory
530H x 450W White frame

Tik a Tape Parade
530H x 450 White frame

Beating Into The Wind
530H x 450W White frame

Where in the woods
530H x 450W White frame

A Green To Be Seen With
530H x 450W White frame

The Eye Has It
380H x 330W White frame

There's a Fish In There
530H x 450W Black frame

What World Am I In?
380H x 330W White frame